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Camping Bella Vista
Mellom fjellene og Middelhavet finner du Camping Bella Vista. Campingplassen på blomsten riviera Liguria. Camping Bella Vista er en fargerik, vennlig og rolig campingplass med en overflod av blomster og planter.
Camping Bella Vista ble grunnlagt i 1961. Siden 1976, den nederlandske familien Jan og Janny Kox arvet leiren fra tidligere nederlandske eierne. I 2005 begynte de å nyte sin velfortjente pensjon og forlot lederskap i hendene på deres datter Mieke sammen med sin partner Robin.
Between the mountains and the Mediterranean Sea you’ll find Camping Bella Vista. A campsite on the flower riviera of Liguria. Camping Bella Vista is a colorful , friendly and quiet campsite with an abundance of flowers and plants .
Camping Bella Vista was founded in 1961. Since 1976, the Dutch family Jan and Janny Kox inherited the campside from the previous Dutch owners. In 2005, they started to enjoy their well-deserved retirement and left the leadership in the hands of their daughter Mieke together with her partner Robin.
Robin and Mieke wish you a warm welcome on Camping Bella Vista.
Dutch atmosphere, hospitality and service are paramount. An ideal combination of Italy and the Dutch hospitality. Located between the mountains and the sea, this ensures a good harmony between the bustle of the coast and the quietness of the beautiful hinterland. Because of the small and quiet location it is an ideal place for families with children of all ages. The campsite has free showers, a swimming pool with sun beds, table tennis, a little playground and a cozy bar where occasionally something is organized or where you are welcome for a little drink, snack or a delicious meal. In the summer there are various things organized for both children and adults.
Hvis du ønsker å bestille en pitch eller bungalow vennligst klikk her for vår tilgjengelighet eller mail oss for mer informasjon: info@campingbellavista.it
If you want to book a pitch or bungalow please click here for our availability or mail us for more information: info@campingbellavista.it
If you want to book a pitch or bungalow please click here for our availability or mail us for more information: info@campingbellavista.it
Food and drink
The Italian cuisine is well known for its pizzas and pasta dishes. However, the Italian cuisine has much more to offer.
The Ligurian cuisine is mainly based on local products. In the past fish was one of the main course but more and more the fishing is being threatened. At the coast you can still eat delicious fish courses. In the hinterland meat if being more used like rabbit and wild boar. The many vegetable gardens , olive groves and herb gardens supply various products that are used in the Ligurian cuisine.
Camping Bella Vista
Mieke Kox and Robin Timmermans
Regione Campore 23
17031 Campochiesa d’Albenga
Call: +39 329 5923683+39 329 5923683
Mail: info@campingbellavista.it
GPS: N 44°5’3″ E 8°12’35”