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Bobiler Caravan Camping
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En ny flott camping som dere finner hos Autoclub Norge og Bobilfolket.
MARJAL COSTA BLANCA er en kjempeflott Camping!
Med høy kvalitet, en privilegert klima og et team til din disposisjon vil gjøre ferien uforglemmelig . Ideell for å nyte når som helst på året . Summers karakter med perfekt tilrettelagt fritid og underholdning for familier å nyte og varme vintre , ideelt for å nyte en helg i et rolig og avslappet miljø . Marsh Costa Blanca Camping Resort er det perfekte feriestedet for deg å slappe av!
Ã…rlig gjennomsnittstemperatur 20 grader og 300 soldager i aret
Marjal Costa Blanca
Marjal Costa Blanca Camping & Resort is one of the best equipped camping resorts in Europe. Its high-quality facilities, a privileged climate and staff who are devoted to you will make your holiday truly memorable.
The services of a resort, but enjoying your caravan and your own space.
Have the fabulous experience of your holiday in a caravan, with your family and friends, but enjoying all the services of a resort: entertainment, swimming pools, restaurants, and much more. Choose among different types of site, all designed and equipped down to the last detail so that all you have to worry about is having a great holiday.
Petanque området , grillplass .
Frisør og estetikk .
Medisinsk konsultasjon ( tid til å sjekke med resepsjonen)
Supermarked , kiosk / avis .
Spillrom , stue / flerbruksrom / bibliotek konferanser .
Mini Club og Junior Club .
Innendørs og utendørs lekeplasser.
WiFi soner .
Pet Helse og pipicanes .
Privat Vakthold .
Camping tilrettelagt for personer om du er syk eller frisk!
Restaurant , Bar, Pub , Bar tropisk …
Marjal Sport Fitness & Spa : treningsrom , oppvarmet svømmebasseng , oppvarmet barnebasseng, spa , badstuer , dampbad , fotbad , … og en rekke kropps-og ansiktsbehandlinger .
Tropiske badebassenger sommer for voksne og barn .
AP7. Salida 730 (Catral-Crevillent)
03330 Crevillente (Alicante) – España
Tnfo. 965 48 49 45
GPS: 38° 10' 44" N - 0° 48' 30" W"
cómo llegar
Marjal Sport Fitness & Spa
Summer Tropical Pools
Marjal Plaza Restaurant
Bars and Terraces
Pools and slidesWellness and fitnessEntertainmentBeaches and environsCuisine
Marjal Costa Blanca Camping and Resort offers the best pitches and bugalows to enjoy camping in the south of Europe with all facilities. Our spacious pitches are prepared with all that you need for your accommodation with your caravan, motorhome or tent. Our bungalows are the best choice for the most comfortable stay, if you want accommodation like an hotel. The eurocamping concept of Marjal Costa Blanca Camping and Resort and our international services has earned us recognition as the Best European Camping 2014. On long term accomodations you will feel a unique experience in this Mediterranean paradise.