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Bobiler Caravan Camping
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Camping Bor,nå bå Autoclub Norge og Bobilfolket!
Vi gleder oss over at vi har en ny plass i Kroatia!
Se Info og Hjemmeside om campingplassen!
Camping Bor, now at Autoclub Norway and Motorhome People!
We are pleased that we have a new place in Croatia!
See Info and Website about the campsite!
Camping Bor
Camping Bor is a 2012 national quality champion in the category Campsite for up to 300 people on the Adriatic Sea. It is located only 500 m from the centre of Krk town and it takes only a couple of minutes walk to reach a standard town beach or more isolated beaches. The camping Bor is characterized by high standard accommodation and sanitary facilities (3*), restaurant, swimming pools on the terraces as well as home-grown wine, schnapps and premium olive oil. The camping Bor offers a high-quality service of storing campers and vessels over Winter.
About us
Olive trees, vines and figs stand as symbols of the Mediterranean as well as of our Golden island. The City of Krk is surrounded by walls, thousands of years old, which, seen from the air, resemble an olive fruit. Olive groves and vineyards spread around the city walls and the stone lace of nature is completed by hundreds of fig trees. Tame plants climb up the hills in the direction of the sunset. If the road takes you towards the top of the hill, you will be welcomed by the Mrakovčić family with the golden fruits of their labour. The poor soil of the island of Krk doesn’t give much, but the little it gives is really precious!
Om oss
Oliventrær, vinstokker og fiken står som symboler på Middelhavet så vel som på vår gyldne øy. Byen Krk er omgitt av vegger, tusenvis av år gamle, som sett fra luften ligner en olivenfrukt. Olivenlunder og vingårder spredt seg rundt bymurene, og naturens steinblonder fullføres av hundrevis av fikentrær. Tamme planter klatrer oppover åsene i retning solnedgangen. Hvis veien tar deg mot toppen av bakken, vil du bli ønsket velkommen av familien Mrakovčić med de gylne fruktene av deres arbeid. Den dårlige jorda på øya Krk gir ikke mye, men det lille det gir er virkelig dyrebart
Cuisine gastronomy
An entire family and an excellent team of employees care for your encounter with authentic scents and flavours of the Kvarner cuisine. Only the freshest of the fresh arrive at your table from our own vegetable garden and orchard. Everytime meat is delivered, it passes strict controls, while only the finest fish, shells and molluscs are brought straight from the sea. The final touch at the table give red, rosé and white wines from our vineyards as well as the crown of the island tastes, aromatic schnapps and liqueurs. Each bottle is the perfect souvenir gift and a reminder of the days spent at the campsite.
Camping Bor
Crikvenička 10,
51500 KRK Hrvatska